
You can add any of the following parameters to your Celery configuration (see Celery 3.x compatible configuration value names in below).


URL to redis server used to store the schedule, defaults to value of broker_url.


Additional SSL options used when using the rediss scheme in redbeat_redis_url, defaults to the values of broker_use_ssl.


A prefix for all keys created by RedBeat, defaults to 'redbeat'.


Key used to ensure only a single beat instance runs at a time, defaults to '<redbeat_key_prefix>:lock'.


Unless refreshed the lock will expire after this time, in seconds.

Defaults to five times of the default scheduler’s loop interval (300 seconds), so 1500 seconds (25 minutes).

See the beat_max_loop_interval Celery docs about for more information.

Celery 3.x config names

Here are the old names of the configuration values for use with Celery 3.x.

Celery 4.x Celery 3.x
redbeat_redis_url REDBEAT_REDIS_URL
redbeat_redis_use_ssl REDBEAT_REDIS_USE_SSL
redbeat_key_prefix REDBEAT_KEY_PREFIX
redbeat_lock_key REDBEAT_LOCK_KEY
redbeat_lock_timeout REDBEAT_LOCK_TIMEOUT

Sentinel support

The redis connexion can use a Redis/Sentinel cluster. The configuration syntax is inspired from celery-redis-sentinel

BROKER_URL = 'redis-sentinel://redis-sentinel:26379/0'
    'sentinels': [('', 26379),
                  ('', 26379),
                  ('', 26379)],
    'password': '123',
    'db': 0,
    'service_name': 'master',
    'socket_timeout': 0.1,

CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis-sentinel://redis-sentinel:26379/1'

Some notes about the configuration:

  • note the use of redis-sentinel schema within the URL for broker and results backend.
  • hostname and port are ignored within the actual URL. Sentinel uses transport options sentinels setting to create a Sentinel() instead of configuration URL.
  • password is going to be used for Celery queue backend as well.
  • db is optional and defaults to 0.

If other backend is configured for Celery queue use REDBEAT_REDIS_URL instead of BROKER_URL and REDBEAT_REDIS_OPTIONS instead of BROKER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS. to avoid conflicting options. Here follows the example::

REDBEAT_REDIS_URL = 'redis-sentinel://redis-sentinel:26379/0'
    'sentinels': [('', 26379),
                  ('', 26379),
                  ('', 26379)],
    'password': '123',
    'service_name': 'master',
    'socket_timeout': 0.1,
    'retry_period': 60,

If retry_period is given, retry connection for retry_period seconds. If not set, retrying mechanism is not triggered. If set to -1 retry infinitely.